
<p style="text-align:center"> Remote-SSH Kaggle using Visual Studio Code </p>

SSH Architecture

SSH Architecture

This repository provides a convenient way to remotely connect to Kaggle using Visual Studio Code, enabling you to maximize the benefits of Kaggle’s utilities. With this setup, you can maintain a continuous 12-hour session without interruptions. Additionally, you can extend the GPU usage from the default 30 hours per week to 42 hours by following a simple procedure (closing the notebook session at the end of the 29th hour, SSH back in, and maintain it for an additional 12 hours :v). This setup allows for easier usage of the terminal and debugging capabilities compared to the notebook interface provided by Kaggle. Furthermore, you can utilize and manage .py files effortlessly. And there are many more exciting features for you to explore!

<p style="text-align:center"> Getting Started </p>

1. Install Visual Studio Code and create account Ngrok

2. Generate SSH-key

Note: Windows & Linux similar.

3. Environment settings

4. Install SSH configuration on Visual Studio Code

5. Using

<p style="text-align:center"> Tips and Tricks </p>

Here are some tips and tricks to make the most out of your remote-SSH Kaggle setup:


With remote-SSH Kaggle using Visual Studio Code, you can unlock the full potential of Kaggle and enjoy a seamless development experience. Start leveraging the power of Kaggle’s utilities while benefiting.